Lose Weight 10 Kilograms In a Month: Diet With Eggs

nemke January 23, 2013 0

Diet with eggs is one of the proven ways to get rid of for a short time overweight. There are several versions, and you have selected the one which is based on a reduced carbohydrate intake.

Lose Weight 10 Kilograms In a Month - Diet With Eggs

To avoid monotony, which is often the reason for the failure of the diets you can add this food on the menu. In fact, the recommended food, in addition to eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, fruits, vegetables, low-carb, sugar-free herbal teas and water.
Significantly reduced intake of carbohydrates and bread, pasta and potatoes are strictly prohibited.
For three months of dietary adherence can weaken up to 30 pounds.
One of the most prominent promoters of this diet is a Hollywood actor Adrien Brody who has lost 15 pounds in preparation for his role in “The Pianist.”
His version of the diet was as follows: he ate eggs for breakfast, small piece of grilled chicken for lunch and a piece of fish with steamed vegetables for dinner.

EXAMPLE: Dietary Plan

2 boiled eggs
1/2 grapefruit

Fried chicken without skin

2 egg omelet with spinach and tomatoes

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