Avoiding colds and flu tips

nemke November 7, 2012 0

Winter is approaching, and with it soon begins cold and flu season. Scientists in recent years have worked extensively on the prevention of these diseases, and following their advice can successfully protect your body from them.

Vaccinated on time
Flu season runs from October to May. Vaccine need two – four weeks to start working, and then the effects last for the next six months, if you do receive, you will be protected by the influenza season in January and February – said Andrew Pekosz, associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Doctors say that babies up to six months old should not receive protection against flu.
In the U.S. last year because of the effects of influenza were hospitalized, about 200 thousand people, while thousands of them died. 2009th due to the outbreak of the H1N1 virus have died 18 thousand patients.
Women because of the nature of their immune systems are more likely to be hospitalized, according Sabra Klein, associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Vaccine production procedure is: Experts examine last year’s flu season, which will find bacteria in the coming year be the most represented and insert them into a vaccine. And comes into our body, they trigger the creation of antibodies, the immune response of our oragnism. Later when we come into contact with them, and we prepared our body to successfully defend against them.
It is important to note that the vaccine is not 100%, but 60% percent effective in defending against influenza. But still after receiving care, even if the person suffers from flu symptoms are much milder. After the vaccine injection site redness may occur, which is harmless and is a normal response. The only people who are allergic to eggs, you do not receive recommended vaccines.

Avoid close contact with infected.
Flu spreads quickly, sneezing, talking with infected (virus transmitted from person to person). Philip Tierno, director microbiology and immunology clinic at Langone NYU Medical Center in New York, advises that the distance between the healthy and the sick person, whenever possible, be 4,5 meters.
You will not get the flu after using the same lift or keypad with an infected person. However the virus is present in them, so you can easily catch a cold. So clean your phone or laptop before use and follow the advice of the old regularly – wash your hands. If someone in your family to suffering from flu, make sure that it can not be avoided. But do not huging him, or drinking from a glass he used. Five days after the patient is healed, the virus persists in the air, so for precautionary measures and follow these few days of recovery.

Get some sleep
Sleep is extremely important in the defense against the flu. Carnegie Mellon University study found that people who sleep less than eight hours have stronger immune systems than those who spend a day sleeping seven hours or less. The results apply in cases where the respondents directly exposed to the virus particles. If you do not have time to eight hours of sleep, you can meditate. Scientists from University in Wisconsin say that people who have attended an eight-week meditation course have a 30 percent less chance of getting sick. You do not have to go to class, just a few minutes every day doing breathing exercises to relax.

Proper nutrition
Enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables, it is recommended that the daily intake of five to nine servings of fruit, or with every meal or snack you take some fruits are the best-orange and green vegetables. Foods rich in vitamins C, D and E and beta carotene are excellent protection against influenza. Melina B. Jampolis, internist and author of “The Calendar Diet” emphasizes that the flu season to avoid reduced diet as the body can not be further weakened.

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