How to Fight Asthma without Medications

Jyotsna April 21, 2012 1

Asthma’s a condition which makes it very difficult for a person to breathe because the airways feel restricted. Allergies, exercise, stress & anxiety contribute towards asthma attacks. The medication as well as treatment for asthma can be very expensive…not just that, there are a lot of side effects that are unwanted. In reality, battling asthma in a natural way is slightly complicated; however the benefits that one receives by going the natural way are worth your efforts & time.

If you wish to know how to fight asthma without medications, here are a few Tips that could help you keep asthma attacks at bay:


Find out what are the allergies that you have when you are asthmatic. Figure out what are the substances that trigger asthma attacks in you and then carefully avoid those allergens so that you can prevent further attacks.


You should eat foods which help relieve the symptoms of asthma. Some of the relieving foods are tuna, mackerel & salmon- all of which are very rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. The foods reduce fabrication of compounds that are inflammatory, improve the pulmonary functions, as well as prevent any constriction that could be caused because of exercise. Other products that help to reduce recurrence of asthmatic attacks are spinach, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, tofu & beans (all of which are rich in magnesium). Veggies & fruits that are Vitamin B & Vitamin C rich help reduce inflammation & stress. Prostaglandins that are present in onions help relax the bronchial muscles as well as open airways. A very good source of Vitamin B6 is chick peas and they reduce wheezing.

To prevent asthma attacks, one should drink water that is purified, distilled or chlorine-free. There have been studies that prove chlorine leads to irritation in the receptors within the lungs & throat.

Practicing breathing exercises on an everyday basis woks wonders for people who suffer from asthma. Slowing breath & inhale through your nose…Practicing this will slow & sometimes even stop asthma attacks. You must relax as you take deep breaths through your nose…exhale through your mouth as this will help strengthen your respiratory muscles.

Majority people have reported that essential oil therapy works very well to get rid of asthma attacks. Rose, frankincense & marjoram help the lungs to expand, thereby encouraging you to breathe deeply. Germium, lavender, chamomile, marjoram & rose reduce any kind of respiratory spasm & also help as they relax the bronchial muscles. However, remember to test any such oil for allergens before you use them. You can use these oils by dropping a few drops in warm water (maybe in your bath), use on the sole of your feet or put in a humidifier. Eucalyptus & lavender are the best to use when you are suffering from an attack as they immediately relax & open up the airways.


Increasing the intake of magnesium helps a lot with asthma patients. Magnesium holds properties to dilate the bronchial passages, thereby preventing spasms that occur in these passages. Foods that are rich in magnesium are beets, bean sprouts, spinach & okra. In case you are not comfortable taking pills, you could easily get the benefits by taking magnesium supplements.



Drinking green tea is considered healthy and what’s great is that green tea’s more than simply a so called ‘morning drink’…Green tea serves as an asthma treatment. Green tea holds a compound named theophylline that helps to relax as well as support your bronchial tubes. Regularly drinking green tea will result in fewer & less severe attacks.



Asthma patients are generally allergic to pollen, dust, etc. Therefore, make sure you keep the house dust free & clean.  Stay away from fire places, burning wood affects the lungs & causes numerous breathing problems.

In case you are a smoker, it’s time you quit smoking! When you have asthma, you need to understand that the tiniest ash particle will worsen this problem for you. Stay away from smoking areas as the smoke can trigger an attack. Not just smoke, even alcohol is harmful for an asthma patient. Avoid consuming alcohol.


Avoid substances that worsen asthma such as air pollution, strenuous or excessive exercise & work outs. Whenever you feel that you are about to get an attack, immediately take cold-water baths. It will help you with the wheezing & breathing. Also, practice daily breathing exercises. Consult with an expert so that you know which breathing exercises will help you strengthen the respiratory muscles.

Foods that help keep asthma attacks at bay:

  • Cereals
  • Nuts
  • Dairy products
  • Green vegetables
  • Spinach
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Cashews
  • Beans
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Tofu
  • Fruits
  • Fruit juice (apple, banana- helps children with asthma)
  • Coffee
  • Cola drinks

Warnings & Tips:

  • Remain calm when you are going through an attack. Anxiety & stress increases the intensity of asthma attacks.
  • Vitamins & natural herbs help asthma patients. Go to a vitamin store to buy them or check online.
  • Study shows that people who take at least 400 mg magnesium every day have lesser chances of getting an asthma attack and it also reduces the symptoms as well as soothes the respiratory muscles. Keep away from high amount of salt or sodium as that diminishes the level of magnesium in one’s body.
  • In case you feel that a certain food, nut, essential oil triggers an asthma attack, immediately  stop the usage & contact the physician.


Asthma’s a persistent lung disease which causes a person’s airways (that lead to a person’s lungs) to turn narrow due to inflammation. Studies have shown that nearly twenty-two million people in America are affected by this disease, out of which 6 million happen to be children. Even though today, with medical advancements, there is multitude of treatments & medications that are available and can effectively treat as well as manage the problematic condition, majority people choose to naturally treat their asthma attacks. We would like to recommend that even if you choose to treat this condition naturally, kindly understand that you cannot completely replace the recommendations given to you by your doctor.

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One Comment »

  1. Torri Denooyer July 16, 2012 at 1:29 am - Reply

    Asthma is debilitating disease because it can also shorten the life of the sufferer. In some cases, asthma is also very life threatening. .”;;. Warm regards

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