Top 10 best and proven ways to beat fatigue

admin October 13, 2011 0
Top 10 best and proven ways to beat fatigue

Fatigue is one of the major ills of our time. A higher level of energy is what all of us are looking for, but often in completely the wrong way. Many begin their day with coffee or in the absence of energy, consume a lot of sugar or energy drinks. want to draw your attention to the correct and the fastest ways to inject energy into your life and reduce the fatigue that is so present in everyday life of an ordinary man.

10. Do not skip breakfast, never

People who don’t skip breakfast have more energy throughout the day,they are more concentrated on tasks and are less prone to weight gain.Also, make sure your first meals are protein-rich because studies have shown that in this way our metabolism gets stimulus increased throughout the day.A good example of protein-rich meal is 2 eggs and milk. Avoid potatoes or bread.


9. Sleep enough

Lack of sleep adversely affects on the general state of your body, and the level of energy throughout the day. That probably all know. Even a 1 hour less sleep, is enough to negative efect to our daily need of energy. During sleep your body is renewed and secrete hormones which are very important to the improved energy throughout the day, try to go to bed an hour earlier.


8. Exercising

If you start your day with physical exercise you will get significantly more energy throughout the day. With a few exercises that do not have to last longer than 15 minutes you will speed up your metabolism and get into the day with much more energy and enthusiasm. Possible exercises include: running, push-ups, crunches, squats, bike room …


7. Nutritional Supplements


Certain nutritional supplements can improve your metabolism and give you more energy and reduce fatigue. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant and fuel for the heart. Also, consider vitamin D as well as high-quality B vitamin.



Avoid all toxins in your body such as nicotine, coffee, alcohol, sugar and various chemicals that are so common in today’s food products. Try to eat more raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, walnuts, hazelnuts etc. Also, drink fresh fruit juices and eat soup with vegetables. Such changes in your diet will significantly increase your energy.


5. Fight with stress


Stress depletes us, exhausts us and our body use huge amounts of energy to produce hormones to help us make it through a stressful situation. So the key to high energy is in preventing leakage of the same. It is believed that meditation is the best way to get rid of stress, but other methods can greatly help, such as deep breathing, warm bath at the end of the day, walking in nature and so on.


4. Check your thyroid gland


Thyroid gland is very important in the functioning of the organism. It is our metabolic engine, and if something is wrong, then it will deep impact on your energy level. If you often feel tired, you might prefer to see a doctor and check condition of your thyroid .


3. Spend enough time in the sunlight

When it’s sunny outside we also feel comfortable and relaxed. Sun helps us a lot, give us energy to accumulate and improve your mood. Our bodies actually generate vitamin D when exposed to the sun which is generally the experts agree that the lack of our body. Try to expose unprotected to sun for at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes. This will significantly improve sleep.


2.Get rid of everything  you do not need

Try to organize and have no mess around. It is interesting and useful to know that the more mess is around you in the form of things you never use, piles of paper on your desk and scattered things in your home, (for example) it will negative efect on your energy levels and it will be lower. Try to organize and you will see that your energy will be at a higher level. Take everything you don’t need in your home or office, wash dishes and you will be satisfied with themselves.


1.Eat fewer calories

When you overeat, or simply eat heavy foods you tend to sleep and greater fatigue. This happens because the blood is diverted to the stomach and intestines, and your energy is spent on digestion. Eat more often and less and you will not have problems with this, and as a bonus you’ll have a better line.

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